Quiltaholics defines a mystery quilt as “a quilt design that has been broken down into sections that are posted/presented one at a time such that the quilter does not know what the final design looks like until the last part is available.” Most of the mysteries I’ve done have had each clue (section) posted at different times (hours, days or even weeks apart) and then, once the whole mystery was revealed, the clues were left up in case anyone else should happen to want to do them. When I post a mystery, while each clue will be on a seperate page, all those pages will be posted online at the same time — that means it’s up to you to excercise your own willpower to resist the urge to look ahead. Unless of course you like to look ahead, in which case — have fun LOL
All the mystery quilts here are original creations by myself, Rhonda Parrish. I’ve made every possible effort to ensure accuracy, including making them myself and asking friends and family to test them as well, however, it’s possible that errors remain. While I will be more than happy to help you should any of my instructions not seem clear, I am not liable for any oopses — I created these to share for fun, not to be sued over. You do them at your own risk.
If you’ve got an idea you’d like to see made into a mystery, or if you’d like to volunteer to help test sew mysteries in the future, please email me at Rhonda@jofigure.com
There, now that the obligatory disclaimer is out of the way, let’s get to the fun stuff!
Love the idea of a jelly roll!
I love the idea of a mystery quilt! What a hoot! Kate